General Category

Best Paper

Authors: Hidekazu Yanagimoto, Kiyota Hashimoto and Makoto Okada
Paper Title: Attention Visualization of Gated Convolutional Networks with Self Attention in Sentiment Analysis


Authors: Farhad Ahamed, Seyed Shahrestani and Hon Cheung
Paper Title: Identification of Dementia of Older Adults in the Age of Internet of Things

Student Category

Best Paper

Authors: Syed Ms Islam, Hassan Mahmood, Adel A Al-Jumaily and Scott Claxton
Paper Title: Deep Learning of Facial Depth Maps for Obstructive Sleep Apnea Prediction


Authors: Paul Byrnes and Alejandro Diazdelao
Paper Title: Robust Weighted Kernel Logistic Regression for Imbalanced Classes with Noisy Labels

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